Nubian Geographic

A Nubian initiative was founded in 2015 to document Nubia with its Geography, History, Language, Wildlife, and more, we aim to become the origin of A Nubian scientific Society that would help to preserve and revive our Rich Culture

Our vision:

 in Nubian Geographic

We believe that the greatest danger facing our Nubian Community is the unaccustomed surroundings in the alternative villages, which causes systemic erosion of the Nubian culture which already lost its main foundation, and that foundation is the Nile the Kay figure of most of Nubian traditions and way of life

What we Aim For:

By using a Scientific methodology In Nubian Geographic, we are Aiming to be part of reviving our culture by creating a Scientific documentation of the Nubian culture Sources such as:

– Scientific documentation of the Nubian Habits and Traditions During Nubia`s eras  

– a formation of the Nubian Languages division with its Literature

– Scientific documentation for the Archaeological expeditions in the Nubian premises

– Scientific documentation for the wildlife in Nubia

– Scientific documentation for   Nubia Geography

Scientific documentation of the Nubian history and represent it in Modern, interesting ways that can suit different audiences 

What did we do to execute it?

– A regular Display of a documented Nubian Habits and traditions

– as a result of our collaboration with Nubian Language experts, through our Facebook page we made an introduction to the Nubian Language (Origin – Alphabet – Classification,,,,,) 


– A regular display review of the Archaeological Explorations which is continuously updated with new Expeditions,

– in May 2017 we had our first documented Trip to the original land of Nubia by sealing across Nubia Lake, this trip was displayed on our Facebook page with photographic and written documentation.

Our collaboration

 Our national collaboration:

-Culture advisor during the establishment of the Nubian exhibit in the Pharaonic Village.


Our international participations:

 Nubian Geographic was a participant in the 10th Hydro-hegemony Conference (HH10) on ‘The Power of Representation & the Representation of Power in Water Conflict and Cooperation’, the Huge- Netherlands, on 4-5 October 2019.

Other contributions

Other contributions: :

Nubian Geographic has always welcomed work as a local Reference with Postgraduate students

  • Our Team in Aswan worked With TF1 (The French Television), as coordinator & Translator on its Reportage About Nubia Crocodiles-2020
  • Nubian Geographic was a co-writing with Director: Leil Zahra in his film

“There is A papa  in Our House “

 The film discussed the patriarchal effect in political life having Gamal Abd   El Nasir as an example in 2021
Engaged with the Department of Anthropology at the University of Michigan as a cultural consultant for the ongoing project “Narrating Nubia.” Contributed to implementing the animated film “Homesickness” in 2022,

Took part in the International summer school organized by the Universities of California and Politecnico di Torino in Italy for 2022 and 2023. Acted as a model for effective cultural initiatives, focusing on preserving and promoting Nubian culture within culturally threatened communities.

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