Nubian Geographic

Everything related to Nubia

We document in various ways, writing, photographing and recording as much as possible to create new memories for future generations


Everything you want to know about Nubian culture


We tell the history from inside Nubia


We document in various ways, writing, photographing and recording

Our Community

We, as a collective of believers in the importance of accurately documenting history alongside its contemporaries, are dedicated to preserving the ancient Nubian legacy through the firsthand accounts of those who experienced it. Similarly, we are committed to chronicling our present history to ensure it becomes an integral part of our collective identity. Our mission is to illuminate the diverse facets of Nubian civilization and trace its evolution over time.

Carefully selected articles

The daily life of the Nubian people is a rich tapestry woven with vibrant traditions, deep-rooted cultural practices and a strong sense of community. Through our article, we aim to provide a comprehensive and transparent depiction of the daily routines, customs, and activities that make up the lives of Nubians. Our commitment to care and transparency will ensure that the full picture of daily Nubian life is conveyed with authenticity and respect.

Our film library

In our effort to preserve the rich history and cultural heritage of the Nubian society, it is imperative to compile a comprehensive visual library. Our goal is to document stories, places, and individuals who have exerted a significant influence on Nubian society. Through the utilization of available resources, we are committed to creating a well-respected visual documentation that will serve as a valuable resource for future generations.

followers reviews

What Our followers are saying

I wish you all the best. Mona sherif Nelson, Nubian foundation for preserving a cultural heritage

Mona sherif


I wish you all the best. Mona sherif Nelson, Nubian foundation for preserving a cultural heritage

Mona sherif


I wish you all the best. Mona sherif Nelson, Nubian foundation for preserving a cultural heritage

Mona sherif


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